[ut_one_half] [ut_animate_image image=”http://www.dotfolioart.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Mock-up_dotfolio.png” id=”mac_img” effect=”fadeIn” align=”left”] [/ut_one_half]
[ut_one_half_last] [ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-search” headline=”Sell To An Untapped Market” margin_bottom=”5″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight” last=”false”] Galleries are great for residential customers, but what about the rest? dotfolio© gives artists unprecedented exposure to corporate clients around the country. [/ut_service_column]
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=” fa-heart” headline=”We Love All Kinds Of Art” margin_bottom=”5″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight” last=”false”] No matter the price, size or creative medium, we’d love to see it. We don’t ask you to fit inside a “box”, we love creativity at its core.[/ut_service_column]
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-thumbs-up” headline=”Focus On Your Art, Not The Sales” margin_bottom=”5″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight” last=”false”]All you need to do is add your portfolio and you’re good to go. Let us do all the heavy lifting from there. [/ut_service_column]
[ut_service_column color=”#ffffff” background=”#FDA527″ icon=”fa-signal” headline=”Do More Than Just Advertise” margin_bottom=”5″ shape=”round” align=”left” width=”full” effect=”slideInRight” last=”true”]Unlike an artist’s personal website which anyone can view, dotfolio© is exclusive to corporate art consultants and streamlines the art buying process. Corporate buyers typically buy multiple art pieces from multiple artists on any given project. [/ut_service_column]